Massive gifts like this don’t come often

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17 Mar 2017 by Hazel

The first unexpected and amazing gift was spending last night with two beautiful women who I became friends with when they did the Clipper race. Over the years we have chatted online and followed each other on Facebook. Lynne, who lives in Brisbane, was over here unexpectedly and she had one night free. We co-ordinated with Joanna, who lives in London, and they both swung by Oxford. As luck would have it our lovely little village cafe and market had an event on so we walked up there for dinner. Joined by Bernie, the four of us chatted about everything, I mean EVERYTHING!!! OMGYes came up a few times – I dare you to click the link! Shops Joanna had found when visiting Brisbane last Christmas Lynne had never heard off,despite living there for years, and topics that would have had most men, and some women, running for cover.
The three amigoes

This morning I woke basking in the memory of last night smiling and ready to face the day. I was off to meet up with a potential client. Desperately trying to juggle the logistics I grabbed a coffee and breakfast when my phone buzzed into life. Sanjiv had just cancelled my meeting.  My momentary disappointment was quickly swallowed up by pure delight. I could have kissed Sanjiv. OMG here was another unexpected gift and the sun was high in the sky!!!!! The journey alone would have swallowed up three hours. So here I am writing this and seriously loving the day I have planned.

After a lazy morning with coffee and toast (rare treat!) in bed it is now blog time. Then I’m off to the gym to catch up on body balance and a swim before picking up my clothing order from Next where I spend far, far, far too much money. Last night kicked me into action regarding organising a spring soirée with my girlfriends. Later today I shall go and pick up Josh and his amazing friends from school so they get an early start to their weekend and this evening I shall be catching up with Abi. Another friend I love dearly but don’t get enough time with due to our busy lives.

Oh and just in case you wondered what this has to do with rebuilding my life. This is what I believe is an outcome of positive thought. These events are ones I have often dreamt off happening and believed would one day occur so when the opportunities presented themselves I was ready to take full advantage and make it happen. Nothing was going to stop me meeting up with Lynne, Joanna was a bonus. Today, no matter what, I was going to fit it all in despite my meeting so when that got cancelled it just became a lot easier. So I leave you with two thoughts:

BE the person you want to be! and Believe and it will be!

Hope you all have an amazing Friday and an awesome weekend and enjoy your gifts, make them MASSIVE.

via Daily Prompt: Massive

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At this moment….

My food guru is Sarah Wilson: is my absolute hero.

Guilty Pleasure: Whole earth crunchy peanut butter on banana or apple.

Go to recipe site:

I aspire to: Joe Wicks HIITs

For a low calorie, high flavour dinner try combining all those lovely veggies like courgette, aubergine, spinach, cauliflower and peppers with some lightly fried onions, a tin of tomatoes and curry powder. YUM!

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